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Hello, Who Are We?

This is StartupMarketPlace

A company turning ideas into beautiful stories.

We are flagship scaling company dedicated to developing partnerships with its clients by providing holistic, quality, professional and value-added solutions to complex business challenges.

The creation of StartupMarketPlace emerged as a crucial need of Sales and MVP validation of innovative products and startup projects. Our extensive experience presented that more than half or almost 55% are founded by entrepreneurs who lack experience in management and only a third have some experience in marketing and sales.  These shortcomings in the life cycle of startups mean inefficient allocation of resources over the first and crucial 6-12 months. In addition to this, investors always look for real proof that the startup will have real potential for execution of the idea and development and they want to prove the so-called “traction” which means showing customer base sales, database of customers or sales in test period.


Sign Up and prepare the offering

Fill the product/service offering and prepare you profile.


Marketplace magic

Investors buys the product/service in advance and Company delivers in specific timeframe


Promote and Reengineer

Review and comment the successful cooperation, gain traction and further improvements.

How It Works?

Start-Up Market Place is a platform where startups in early stage, pre-seed and seed stage of development creating a product or service, are able to offer their product or service at a preferential price to the first customers (Early Adopters) and thus begin to create that traction of customers and sales bringing them on track to success.

Customers will have the special opportunity to use products or services at preferential prices and discounts and providing quality feedback or guidance for viability and further improvement of products/services.

Start-Up Market Place is a unique system that in a hybrid way connects both investors with early developed and innovative products and services that startups offer. This hybrid approach to specialised performance through the platform will offer a process of proving, but also a process of cooperation versus competition.

Start-Up Market Place aims to channel on one platform part of the specific processes and activities that a startup should have before starting a serious phase of finding an investor. The ultimate value is the validation of the product or service that a startup makes and thus proving that they are "market fit", proving that they have the so- called traction and proving of an existing customer base which in the eyes of an investor will act confidently and confirmed in what they do. These factors drastically change the image of a startup and thus contribute to the startup having significantly better bargaining power when appearing before any investor.




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Avarage discount on Projects


Open offerings