Cookie Policy



If you don't see an answer to your question, you can send us an email from our contact form.

We provide you with an e-mail form, through which you can establish direct contact with the seller. You will find the form to the right next to the text of the advertisement. In the reply from the seller, you will find his direct email for further direct contact. Some sellers leave other contact information in their ads, for example the phone number.

You can change all the data of your advertisement, e.g. title, price, description, image. The link to change your advertisement can be found in the confirmation e-mail, which we send you when the advertisement is published. If you want to request this email again, click on "My Ads" and then click on "Manage Ads". As a registered member, you can manage ads directly through the website, e-mail confirmation is omitted.

Here you have the opportunity to enter and change your account data. Make sure you have entered your address information completely. Otherwise, the system will not accept your account data.

Your listings remain on our website for 365 days. Within these 365 days, the advertisement may be extended for a further 365 days. These additional 365 days are valid from the day the listing is changed. This link is in the e-mail, which was sent to confirm the advertisement. You can also delete the advertisement ahead of time. You will find the link to delete or extend the advertisement in the confirmation e-mail, which we send you when the advertisement is published. If you want to request this email again, click on "My Ads" and then click on "Manage Ads". As a registered member, you can change, continue, delete advertisements directly through the website, or reactivate expired advertisements.

Go to the page and click on the "forgot password" link. Enter here the e-mail with which you registered on page and to which the activation link was sent. You will now receive the new password, with which you will be able to log in as usual. Please do not forget to change and remember the new password well.

In the event that your advertisement does not appear on the website after inclusion, it is possible that the following errors have occurred:

  • Your listing is currently being scanned or checked by our administrators. This can lead to a delay of up to 24 hours in some cases.
  • Your advertisement has been reviewed by our administrators and removed, as it did not comply with our policies and terms. advertisements with prohibited content or duplicates may be deleted. But in this case, you get an email from us.
  • You have not placed the advertisement in the appropriate category and our service has moved it to the correct category.
  • The duration of the advertisement has expired, and it has been automatically deleted from the website.
  • If in the next 24 hours after entering the advertisement, you still haven't received an activation email from us, then either you entered your email incorrectly or we have a technical problem. You can contact us or re-enter your ad.

If you require any more information or have any questions about our site's disclaimer, check this link . Our Disclaimer was generated with the help of the Disclaimer Generator

Contact form

Reach out to us from our contact form and we will get back to you shortly.

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