Cookie Policy


Privacy Policy

1. Privacy Policy

The usage of privacy policy published on this website is based on the GDPR. We suggest that you read the privacy policy and personal data protection rules from time to time and to check for the latest changes in the privacy policy. By using our website, you agree with our privacy policy rules. If you do not agree with the privacy policy rules, we recommend that you do not use our website.

The privacy policy and personal data protection rules cover the practices for privacy of website, mobile version of the website, Android App, iOS App and the data for communication with the customer support team. The processing of personal data on this site is in accordance with the regulations for personal data protection. We always strive to process the personal data with reasonable care. To allow you to use our services, for example registering an ad, processes some kind of information about you. Below you can find more information about privacy policy and personal data protection rules.

The Privacy Policy covers the following things:

  • What is personal data information?
  • What kind of information do we collect and process?
  • For what purpose do we use your personal information?
  • What are your rights regarding personal data protection?
  • Transparent information, communication and way of realizing the rights of the subject in regards to their personal data protection
  • Changes to the privacy policy
  • Useful advice for personal data protection and privacy

2. What is personal data information?

According to the Law, "personal data" is any information that refers to an identified natural person or a natural person who can be identified (personal data subject), and a natural person who can be identified whose identity can be determined directly or indirectly, based on an identifier such as name, surname, personal identification number of the citizen, location data, online identifier, or on the basis of one or more features specific to his physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

  • Processing of personal data is every activity or set of activities that are performed to the personal data, automatically or in another way, like collecting, recording, organizing, structuring, keeping, through transmission, publishing or making available in other ways, aligning, combining, restricting, deleting or destroying.
  • The personal data is processed in accordance with the law, sufficiently and in a transparent way about the subject of the personal data.
  • The personal data is collected for clear and specific purposes in accordance with the law the processing is also in accordance with the purposes.
  • Personal data is stored no longer than necessary for the purposes for which it is processed and with an appropriate level of protection using the highest security standards using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.

3. What kind of information do we collect and process?

A) If you visit the website as a visitor looking at ads

When you visit our website, your Privacy is fully protected. If you are using the website as a visitor, isn’t collecting any of your personal information. has only access to the information that can not identify an end user (non personal information). Those are information related to the device you are using to access our website, your IP address, device location etc.

If you, as a user, are using our website and would like to contact an advertiser using the field “send an email”, then the email which you have provided will be visible for the advertiser so you can continue the communication regarding the item being advertised. isn’t responsible and doesn’t have access to the communication between the buyer and seller. Provided email will be used solely for that purpose and won’t be used for other purposes for which the user hasn’t given consent.

If you are suggesting some ad to a friend, then a message will be sent to the email address of your friend, through our system. The provided email address will be solely used for that purpose, and won’t be used for other purposes for which the users haven’t given consent.

B) If you are using the website as an advertiser that is registering an ad / creating a user profile

While registering an ad, we are only processing the information given voluntarily by you when filling out the form for ad registration, solely for the given purposes.

If you are an advertiser, the information needed to register an ad are:

  • Name - This is the information you have entered while registering an ad in the field - Name. This information is provided by you as a user and you hold the responsibility for the correctness of the provided
  • Email address - This is your email address which is not publicly visible and third parties can not have access to it. Your email address is used solely for the purpose you have given consent for while registering an ad or an account.
  • Contact number - This is the phone number you have provided as a contact number. If you don’t want to have your phone number shown publicly on the ad, then while registering the ad you should select the option “Don’t show the phone number on the ad”. In this case your phone number won’t be publicly shown and will only be used for the purpose you have given consent for while registering an ad / opening an account.
  • Location of the item being sold - That is the city where the item being sold is located / service is being offered. For some of the ads it is necessary to also provide the full address. The provided address is solely used for the purpose you have given consent for while registering the ad / opening the account. is using a tracking technology (Cookies - small text files saved on your computer) which is used for advertising purposes and counts the unique visits to the site. This allows us to collect statistical information for our users which are to be used for internal purposes only, for example, it is used so you are not shown the same banner ad a lot of times while using The tracking technology is anonymous and doesn’t contain personal information. More information about the Cookies can be found on our web page.

Registering using Facebook account or Gmail provides its users the option to register on the website using their personal Facebook account or using their email address. Please keep in mind that when you create a user profile on, using your Facebook account or Gmail, the information from that social media network / email provider is being connected to your user profile on That information can be modified at any time by connecting to your account.

4. For what purpose do we use your personal information?

Some kind of personal data will be needed while registering an ad and creating accounts. is not responsible for the correctness of the entered data. is using the provided information solely for the purpose they are provided for. If you haven’t given consent to have your personal information used for promotional marketing purposes they won’t be used for that purpose. isn’t sharing the information with third parties, doesn’t transfer them to third parties, it keeps them safely and it uses them solely for the purpose they are intended.

According to the personal data protection law, is using users’ personal information solely for the purpose they are intended. While registering an ad, the user itself decides whether their phone number is shown publicly or not. Your email address is not shown publicly on the ad, except in cases when the advertiser itself decides to provide their email address in the ad description field. The provided information for the ad, is being used for ad publication in a form and with a content that the advertiser itself has decided on.

  • sYour personal information (in a form and with a content of your choice) is used for ad publication so you may be contacted by the interested buyers for the item being sold / service being offered.
  • Your personal information is used for sending system generated email messages, like notification for published ad, payment realization etc. These messages do not have a promotional purpose and are not being used for sending promotional messages.
  • Your personal information is used by the support team for communication purposes.
  • Your personal information will be used for digital marketing purposes only if you have given consent for. is not sharing your personal information with third parties. In order to have our services provided with the highest quality, we are collaborating with external providers for delivering some kind of services, applications, tools etc. (local and / or international) and your personal data is kept to the highest security standards and the information is used by the providers solely for the purpose they are intended for.

To use the cargo service of, we in collaboration with the cargo company, according to a previously defined protocol, are sending you messages related to the product delivery. You, as a buyer, are responsible for filling out the contact information form on your own, and that information is being sent to the cargo company in order to have the products delivered successfully. You, as a seller, confirm the contact details for item pick up and those will be shared with the cargo company in order to have the products delivered successfully. We as a website are only intermediaries in the cargo delivery process.

5. What are your rights regarding personal data protection?

Your rights as a user of, regarding the privacy policy and personal data protection are the right to be informed about the processing of personal data,the right to access your personal data, the right to delete or modify personal data, the right to restrict the personal data as well as the right to object.

For any other information about personal data protection, you can contact the personal data protection officer of Aleksandar Celeski at the following email address or phone number 00389 75 493824. You can send us a Request for information regarding the personal data processing or a Request for stopping the personal data processing by an e-mail or in a written form to the premises of with the following information:

  • Your first and last name
  • Your phone number and email address
  • The email address you want to receive the answer to
  • Reason for requesting the information for personal data processing or stopping the personal data processing is striving to protect your personal data to the best of its abilities, and to prevent misuse or modification of information received from its users. However, it can not guarantee that security measures will prevent third parties from collecting personal data illegally. takes security most seriously and takes numerous measures to protect the security of user's personal data. HTTPS security protocol is used during the processing and transferring data to our servers. If you want to check your data or make some changes, you can do that on our website using your password and username. This password is encrypted. recommends that you do not share this password with third parties. Your personal data information is stored on secure servers to which access is available only by Encryption of some sensitive information is done using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to make sure that your personal data is secured during the transfer to The use of the website is not allowed for minors (under 18 years old). This website is designed for providing services to adults (older than 18 years). You should know that to register a user profile, you should be at least 18 years old. These user profiles are checked and if it is concluded that any user profile belongs to a minor, it will be removed.

6. Transparent information, communication and way of realizing the rights of the subject in regards to their personal data protection

Information and access to personal data (information that is submitted when personal data is collected from the subject itself)

The user has the right to request access or to change the personal information which he had submitted on the website. The provided personal data may also be changed. You can change your user profile information by logging in to your account. If you want to change the email address you are registered with, it has to be done systematically and you need to contact the customer support team of Aksios Corp OÜ ( by sending an e-mail to or you can contact our personal data protection officer Aleksandar Celeski at the following email: user also has the right to request the permanent removal of his personal data from the Aksios Corp OÜ database. It will be realized within 30 days from the day of submitting the request if the conditions provided by law are met.

Information that is submitted when personal data is not collected from the subject itself does not collect and process personal data that is not provided by the user. If the user submits a request for personal data misuse, a procedure will be started for identifying the person who did that ( if that is possible ) and according to law, all communication takes place through the authorized legal institutions in the country.

Rights of access of the subject of personal data

The personal data subject has the right to request confirmation from whether his personal data are processed and explanation of the purposes of processing, the categories of data, the storage period, etc. information in accordance with the law.

Direct marketing personal data processing policy

According to the Law, is processing personal information for the purpose of direct marketing, solely after the subject of personal data has given consent for it.

Consent for processing personal data for the purpose of direct marketing on is being given by selecting the field “I agree to receive personalized advice, offers and news from” while registering an ad or creating an account by the subject of personal information.

The personal data is being used for sending notifications for new ads, ads relevant to users’ interest, notifications for services, offers of interest etc. That could be in the form of email, SMS, desktop notifications, Viber messages, phone calls, banner ads etc. We limit direct marketing to a reasonable and proportionate level and send relevant notifications solely on the basis of user interest and according to their previous searches on the site.

According to the Law, the subject of personal data has the right at any time, free of charge and by simple means, to withdraw the consent for processing personal data for the purpose of direct marketing. That can be done by sending a “Request for withdrawal of the consent for processing personal data for the purpose of direct marketing” to the officer for Personal Data Protection at the following email address: is processing personal data for direct marketing purposes in order to provide a service requested by website users. That type of service is for example the creation of “Search” or the saving of a certain search so the user can receive notifications by email regarding their interests and the search they performed on the site.

The subject of personal data has the right to access, modify, delete or limit the processing of personal data for digital marketing purposes. All of these laws are being implemented in accordance with the existing rules of the Law.

Direct marketing personal data processing policy procedure

On, the user has the right to decide whether their personal data will be processed for the purpose of direct marketing or not. If the user doesn’t give consent, they won’t receive messages related to direct marketing, but they will receive messages regarding the basic functions of the website (for example notifications for successfully published ad with link to the ad, notification for deleted ad, etc). This type of messages are not related to direct marketing and their content is only about the basic functions of the site.

This is the procedure in place, when the user gives consent for processing their personal data for the purpose of direct marketing:

  • When registering an ad / creating an account the user gives consent by selecting the field “I agree to receive personalized advice, offers and news by”.
  • Users’ information is being saved in a separate database which includes only the data of those users which have given consent for having their personal data processed for direct marketing purposes.
  • When a campaign is created, only the users which have given consent for receiving promotional messages will receive that type of message.
  • If the user doesn’t select the field for giving consent to personal data processing or contacts the officer for personal data protection by email he/she cancels the receiving of messages for the purpose of direct marketing.
  • If the user sends a request to have their personal data deleted from the database, the personal data is deleted in a period of 30 days, and the user won’t receive any messages for the purpose of direct marketing anymore.
  • If wanted, the user can activate the option to receive messages for direct marketing purposes by selecting the field “I agree to receive personalized advice, offers and news by” or by contacting the officer for personal data protection by email

7. Changes to the privacy policy reserves the right to make any changes to the Privacy Policy and / or Terms of Use at any time. These changes shall take effect with the very publication of the website.

8. Useful advice for personal data protection and privacy

According to the Recommendation No R (99) 5 of the committee of Ministers to member states for the protection of privacy on the Internet, below you can find some useful tips for personal data protection and privacy.

  • Be careful with your personal data on the Internet, where you are sharing, with whom and in what way.
  • Be aware that every activity you make on the Internet may leave traces about you, this is why we recommend that you use the websites that inform you about the level of security and require consent to use tracking methods, like Cookies, etc. If you do not want your personal data to be used, do not give consent to it.
  • If you don’t want to register a user profile of some site, do not do it.
  • Be careful with websites that request more information than what is necessary.